Business License

Businesses that are physically located in the Town of Bennett are required to hold a business license. Business licenses are valid through December 31st of the year they are issued.

A license is not required if the business has no physical location in the Town and holds a state standard retail license.

Sales taxes are remitted directly to the State of Colorado.

Please click on the button below to learn more about obtaining or renewing a business license. 

Business License Application

The Town of Bennett recently implemented a new system for issuing Business Licenses. You must first create an account through SmartGov Business Portal. 

Business license portal

Tax Information

The Town’s property tax rate is 11.95 mills.

The Town’s sales tax rate is four percent, with one percent being restricted to the sales tax capital improvement fund. The three percent of sales tax is the largest revenue source for the Town general fund. The sales tax rates collected in Bennett is as follows: 

State Sales Tax 2.9%
Adams County Sales Tax 0.75%
Arapahoe County Sales Tax 0.25%
Town of Bennett Sales Tax 4%